

HK inno.N seeks to build further trust in the company’s business management through
ethical management and transparent disclosure of its governance.

2024 Annual Stockholders Meeting

Annual Stockholders Meeting

Date 28th March 2024 (Thursday) 9:00AM
Location Conference room, 3F, Osong plant (239, Osongsaengmyeong 2-ro, Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do)
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Reporting No.1 : Audit report - -
Reporting No.2 : Operating report - -
Reporting No.3 : Report on the operating status of the internal accounting management system - -
Reporting No.4 : External auditor appointment report - -
Agenda No.1 : Approval of the 10th financial statement(including the statment of appropriation of retained earnings) Resolved as presented 99.5
Agenda No.2 : Appointment of director
Agenda No.2-1 : Appointment of director (candidate : Dalwon Kwak) Resolved as presented 99.6
Agenda No.2-2 : Appointment of outside director (candidate : Yeowon Son) Resolved as presented 99.8
Agenda No.2-3 : Appointment of other non-executive director
(candidate : Sanghyun Yoon)
Resolved as presented 97.6
Agenda No.3 : Appointment of a member of Audit Committee (candidate : Yeowon Son) Resolved as presented 99.1
Agenda No.4 : Approval of directors' remuneration limit Resolved as presented 99.8
Agenda No.5 : Transfer of capital reserve to earned surplus Resolved as presented 99.8

The voting rights of 18,025,318 shares, or 63.6% of the total number of shares with voting rights, were exercised at the 10th annual stockholders meeting on March 28, 2024. Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 36.2%.
In case of appointment of a member of Audit Committee(Agenda No.3), voting rights of 5,255,529 shares, or 33.8% of the total number of voting shares, were exercised after reflecting the 3% limit.
Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 30.0%.

2023 Annual Stockholders Meeting

Annual Stockholders Meeting

Date 28th March 2023 (Tuesday) 9:00AM
Location Conference room, 3F, Osong plant (239, Osongsaengmyeong 2-ro, Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do)
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Reporting No.1 : Auditor's audit reporting - -
Reporting No.2 : Business reporting - -
Reporting No.3 : Report on the Operation of the Internal Accounting Management System - -
Agenda No.1 : Approval of the 9th financial statement(including the statment of appropriation of retained earnings) Resolved as presented 98.47
Agenda No.2 : Amendment of part of articles of incorporation Resolved as presented 95.16
Agenda No.3 : Amendment of guidelines for executive severance pay and executive rules Resolved as presented 97.02
Agenda No.4 : Appointment of outside director who will serve as a member of Audit Committee (candidate : Jaesuk Park) Resolved as presented 95.66
Agenda No.5 : Appointment of director (outside director candidate : Byungin Moon) Resolved as presented 99.04
Agenda No.6 : Appointment of a member of Audit Committee (candidate : Byungin Moon) Resolved as presented 97.02
Agenda No.7 : Approval of directors' remuneration limit Resolved as presented 90.44

The voting rights of 18,472,213 shares, or 65.20% of the total number of shares with voting rights, were exercised at the 9th annual stockholders meeting on March 28, 2023. Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 38.94%.
In case of Appointment of a member of Audit Committee(Agenda No.4&6), voting rights of 6,831,056 shares, or 40.93% of the total number of voting shares, were exercised after reflecting the 3% limit.
Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 37.76%.

2022 Annual Stockholders Meeting

Annual Stockholders Meeting

Date 25th March 2022 (Friday) 9:00AM
Location Iris Hall, Mayfield Hotel, 94, Banghwa-daero, Gangseo-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Reporting No.1 : Auditor's audit reporting - -
Reporting No.2 : Business reporting
Reporting No.3 : Internal accounting control system operating status reporting
Agenda No.1 : Partial change of articles of association Resolved as presented 99.7
Agenda No.2 : Approval of the 8th financial statements Resolved as presented 99.7
Agenda No.3 : Appointment of director
Agenda No.3-1 : Appointment of Song Geun-seok (executive director) Resolved as presented 99.7
Agenda No.4 : Grant of stock options Resolved as presented 99.6
Agenda No.5 : Approval of the limit of consideration to directors Resolved as presented 99.6

The voting rights of 20,152,996 shares, or 69.72% of the total number of shares with voting rights, were exercised at the 8th annual stockholders meeting on March 25, 2022. Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 27.56%.

2021 Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Date 22nd June 2021 (Tuesday) 10:30AM
Location 8F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Agenda No.1 : Appointment of directors
Agenda No.1-1 : Appointment of Yoon Sang-hyun (non-executive director) Resolved as presented 100

The voting rights of 23,123,499 shares, or 100% of the total number of shares with voting rights, were exercised at the extraordinary stockholders meeting on June 22, 2021. Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 47.3%.

2021 Annual Stockholders Meeting

Annual Stockholders Meeting

Date 25th March 2021 (Thursday) 11:00AM
Location 6F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Reporting No.1 : Auditor's audit reporting
Reporting No.2 : Business reporting
Reporting No.3 : Internal accounting control system operating status reporting
Agenda No.1 : Approval of the 7th financial statements Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.2 : Approval of the earned surplus Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.3 : Appointment of directors
Agenda No.3-1 : Appointment of Kang Seok-hee (President) Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.3-2 : Appointment of Yoon Sang-hyun (executive director)
Agenda No.3-3 : Appointment of Kwak Dal-won (executive director)
Agenda No.3-4 : Appointment of Kim Who-jung (non-executive director)
Agenda No.4 : Appointment of directors
Agenda No.4-1 : Appointment of Son Yeo-won (non-executive director) Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.5 : Appointment of the member of the Audit Committee
Agenda No.5-1 : Appointment of Son Yeo-won (the member of the Audit Committee) Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.6 : Approval of the limit of consideration to directors Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.7 : Partial change of articles of association Resolved as presented 100

The voting rights of 22,188,920 shares, or 100% of the total number of shares with voting rights, were exercised at the 7th annual stockholders meeting on March 25, 2021. Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 49.29%.

2020 Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Date 24th September 2020 (Thursday) 10:00AM
Location 6F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Agenda No.1 : Appointment of directors
Agenda No.1-1 : Appointment of Seo Moo-jung (executive director) Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.2 : Appointment of outside director
Agenda No.2-1 : Appointment of Moon Beong-in (non-executive director) Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.2-2 : Appointment of Park Jae-seok (non-executive director)
Agenda No.2-3 : Appointment of Yoo Moo-young (non-executive director)
Agenda No.3 : Appointment of Audit Committee
Agenda No.3-1 : Appointment of Moon Beong-in (the member of the Audit Committee) Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.3-2 : Appointment of Park Jae-seok (the member of the Audit Committee)
Agenda No.3-3 : Appointment of Yoo Moo-young (the member of the Audit Committee)
Agenda No.4 : Partial change of articles of association Resolved as presented 100

The voting rights of 2,218,892 shares, or 100% of the total number of shares with voting rights, were exercised at the extraordinary stockholders meeting on September 24, 2020. Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 49.29%.

2020 Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Date 7th September 2020 (Monday) 15:00PM
Location 6F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Agenda No.1 : Stock split and Partial change of articles of association Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.1 : Partial change of articles of association Resolved as presented 100

The voting rights of 2,218,892 shares, or 100% of the total number of shares with voting rights, were exercised at the extraordinary stockholders meeting on September 7, 2020. Attendance rate excluding the largest shareholder and related persons is 49.29%.

2020 Annual Stockholders Meeting

Annual Stockholders Meeting

Date 20th March 2020 (Friday) 10:00AM
Location 6F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Reporting No.1 : Internal accounting control system operating status reporting - -
Agenda No.1 : Approval of the 6th financial statements Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.2 : Approval of the limit of consideration to directors Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.3 : Approval of the limit of consideration to auditors Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.4 : Partial change of articles of association Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.5 : Approval of Executives' provision Resolved as presented 100
2020 Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Date 24th February 2020 (Monday) 10:00AM
Location 8F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Agenda No.1 : Change of Ordinary shares to RCPS Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.2 : Approval of the merger Resolved as presented 100
2020 Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Date 6th Februaty 2020 (Thursday) 16:00PM
Location 8F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Agenda No.1 : RPartial change of articles of association Resolved as presented 100
2019 Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Extraordinary Stockholders Meeting

Date 29th April 2019 (Monday) 10:00AM
Location 6F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Agenda No.1 : Appointment of auditors
Agenda No.1-1 : Appointment of No Byeong-dal (auditor) Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.2 : Approval of the limit of consideration to auditors Resolved as presented 100
2019 Annual Stockholders Meeting

Annual Stockholders Meeting

Date 22nd March 2019 (Friday) 16:00PM
Location 6F Meeting Room, 100, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
Case and Result Agenda Result Percentage of approval
Reporting No.1 : Internal accounting control system operating status reporting
Agenda No.1 : Approval of the 5th financial statements Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.2 : Approval of the limit of consideration to directors Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.3 : Partial change of articles of association Resolved as presented 100
Agenda No.4 : Notificaton of the Appointment of auditor Resolved as presented 100